Canaryville Website

Two and half years ago I moved to the Canaryville neighborhood near 45th & Halsted. My neighborhood has an organization called the Canaryville Improvement Association that works to improve the quality of life for the residents. I met some of the members from the at the local C.A.P.S. meetings.

Earlier this year I offered to help update their website and after a face to face meeting with the board President I received the credentials to access the server. Earlier this month we revamped the site and will be working to put the finishing touches over the next few weeks.

Over the coming year I will be updating the site once a month on a volunteer basis. Next I will work with the board to create a facebook page and perhaps a youtube channel. We want to enhance communications within the community.

This is number thirteen or 1/4th of the way to fifty. Only 37 more to go.

One comment

  1. Bear, can’t thank you enough for your help with the CIA (wow, sounds very covert). Anyways, congrats in advance on reaching 50 in years and 50 “volunteers”, since I know you’ll make it.

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